Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Traci's 99 in 999

  1. Foster a dog.
  2. Run 100% of the Cooper River Bridge Run Course
  3. Run a 10k in VA/DC
  4. Join a team sport for a season (kickball doesn't count)
  5. Go to the gym 3 times a week for 2 months (0/8 weeks)
  6. Give up fast food for a month. (37/30)
  7.  Learn to golf.
  8. Hit 3 holes on par. (0/3)
  9. Volunteer 50 hours at a homeless or pet shelter. (2/50)
  10. Find out my blood type and donate blood/plasma/platelets.
  11. Spend an entire day with my cell phone off.
  12. Run 3 5ks (0/3)
  13. Read Catcher in the Rye
  14. Save $2,000
  15. Get my Concealed Weapons Permit.
  16. Purchase a handgun/Become comfortable with a handgun.
  17. Lose 10 lbs (0/10)
  18. Lose 20 lbs (0/20)
  19. Submit a postcard to http://www.postsecret.com/
  20. Give up soda for 60 days (61/60)
  21. Take a cooking class.
  22. Learn to cook 10 new meals (1/10)
  23. Take a trip with someone I've never traveled with.
  24. Visit 3 of the nearby wineries (0/3)
  25. Find a red wine & a white wine that I enjoy.
  26. Organize the garage.
  27. Travel to New York City to sightsee.
  28. Learn to make sushi.
  29. Visit 3 new states (0/3)
  30. Gamble at a BlackJack table.
  31. Frame 20 new pictures. (0/20)
  32. Keep a journal for 3 months (0/90)
  33. Send 10 cards to people I've lost contact with. (0/10)
  34. Follow a professional basketball team for one season.
  35. Follow a professional football team for one season.
  36. Swim 200m without stopping.
  37. Read 20 books I've never read before (4/20)
  38. Take a trip to Boston.
  39. See a play/ballet/concert.
  40. Visit 5 of the monuments or museums in DC. (1/5)
  41. Eat 3 new vegetables I've never tried (0/3)
  42. Eat 2 salads a week for a month. (0/4 weeks)
  43. Find a new beer that I like (no Bud, Miller or shit beer)
  44. Serve a holiday meal to the homeless or less fortunate.
  45. Give up carbs for a week (0/7)
  46. Take time doing my hair & makeup for 5 days in a row. (0/5)
  47. Floss everyday for a month (0/30)
  48. Attend 5 yoga or pilates classes (0/5)
  49. Send Christmas cards
  50. Watch the entire 6 seasons of LOST series. (1/6)
  51. Give up something for Lent.
  52. Sing Karaoke
  53. Visit Drew in Atlanta
  54. Participate in a snow sport (skiing, snowboarding, etc.)
  55. Learn how to knit & knit something.
  56. Go  full month without being a shitshow (0/30)
  57. Take a weekend off & do what I want to do *not traveling*
  58. Stick to the Paleo diet for a month (0/30)
  59. Give up TV for a week (0/7)
  60. Take a miltivitamin everyday for 3 weeks (0/21)
  61. Drink 50 oz of water each day for 2 weeks (1/14)
  62. Go out 4 nights a month for 2 months (0/8)
  63. Make 5 new female friends in VA. (2/5)
  64. Keep my laundry bin from overflowing for one month (0/30)
  65. Learn how to make French Onion Soup.
  66. Donate clothes to the Salvation Army/Goodwill
  67. Clean out underwear & bra drawer
  68. Take shoes to the cobbler to be fixed.
  69. Watch Fight Club
  70. Watch Boondock Saints
  71. Go to a Capitals hockey game.
  72. Give up candy for 2 weeks (2/14)
  73. Go to a festival in DC
  74. Visit Annapolis
  75. Go to the annual Navy croquet match
  76. Go to 3 college football games (doesn't have to be Carolina)
  77. Go to a VA/MD beach
  78. See the 4th of July fireworks in DC
  79. Take a tour of Georgetown
  80. Venture into Old Town Alexandria
  81. Go to the doctor & have a physical done.
  82. Talk to Nicole 5 times without getting aggravated (in 6 months).
  83. Go to the Zoo
  84. Take a self-defense class.
  85. Go to Vegas
  86. Take someone to Alhambra Hall that's never been before.
  87. Frame a family picture of my sisters and me.
  88. Frame a family picture of my parents.
  89. Watch Back to the Future
  90. Go camping in a tent. Outside. Without whining.
  91. Go skydiving.
  92. Visit Canada.
  93. Play paintball.
  94. Buy groceries at a Farmer's Market.
  95. Learn American Sign Language.
  96. Ride a motorcycle.
  97. Learn to change my oil.
  98. Don't let the gas light come on in my car for a month (0/30)
  99. Inspire someone else to make a 99 in 999 list.
For everything not done by October 15, 2013, $1 will be donated to charity.

1 comment:

  1. Number 99 for you is done, mine is posted and I blogged last night did one of mine and started another....miss you girl
    Jonah wants to go to the DC zoo with you so you can cross off another when we come spring break, maybe even a few if you got the time
